BDA PUBLISHING | Because every good story deserves a chance.

Because every good story deserves a chance.

Meet BDA Publishing

A Love for Books Turned into a Mission

We're the team behind BDA Publishing: military veteran moms turned publishing rebels on a mission to put authors first, and their unique stories in the spotlight.

We were once the bookworms becoming friends with the creators behind the pages.

But, it wasn’t long before we realized the harsh truth – our beloved authors were being exploited and silenced. That’s when BDA Publishing was born. Our goal: to create a space where authors can explore and unleash their creativity without being tied down by trends and sales expectations.

Let’s start tearing down the walls of the publishing world, one creepy, quirky, and defiant tale at a time. Welcome to the new age of publishing – no barriers, no restrictions, only boundless opportunities for the bizarre and remarkable.

Meet The Owner

Mel B.

Mel B. here, the CEO (whatever that means). I’m a workaholic who enjoys naps, books, and cows. I was born in NYC, and now I live in Northern Virginia with a couple of big dogs, cats, my kids, and my husband, in a massive farmhouse in the middle of wine country.

I’m an East Coast Army girl who married a West Coast Marine. Somewhere along the way I got old because apparently I’ve worked for the military and government for nearly 20 years – not sure how that is possible since I’m only 22. I don’t do hobbies; my personality is too flawed to let me do anything ‘moderately’. So, I now have several full time ‘passions’ that eat up my day – and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Maleficent is my spirit guide, bossing is my daily, and relentless may actually be my legal middle name. I’ve never met an obstacle or challenge where I didn’t say “hold my cocktail”, and I’m not about to start now. Reading is my one true escape from reality, so when the idea popped up that we could help put more stories out into the world – you better believe I said “bet”. Now, I’m using all of my ’talents’ to take on the publishing industry with my besties at my back – Charlie’s Angels style!

Are you tired of the same old mainstream genre novels?

As an aspiring fringe author, do you feel sidelined due to market behavior and trends? Yeah, we’ve been there too – and it’s time for a change! At BDA Publishing, we throw the conventional rulebook out the window, giving authors like you the freedom to unleash your artistic autonomy and create something extraordinary.

More from the Minds Behind BDA

Check out the stimulating conversations and insights on Mel B & Jackie D.’s two bookish podcasts, where they discuss everything from what they’re reading, to standing up against the gatekeepers of the literary world.

Read, Watch, or DNF

Mel B. & Jackie D. are on a drunken mission to find out which book-to-screen adaptations were done right!

DNF Happy Hour

Mel B., Jackie D. & A, explore genre, tropes, indie authors, and bring you behind the scenes of launching a publishing company.
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